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1775 Eye Street, NW, Suite 1150
Washington, D.C. 20006
United States

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Filtering by Tag: Top Performers

Employment Coaching Creates Top Performers

Trina Fleming, Vice President of Marketing & Communications, WHW

WHW has provided employment readiness services to the unemployed and underemployed since 1993 helping over 70,000 job seekers to successfully navigate the process of getting a good job with the goal of achieving economic self-sufficiency.   Today, the average job search can take nine months or more, but the organization has found that while getting the job can be a struggle, some of their clients are lacking in the skills that it takes to adjust to a new company culture and be successful in their new position once they get the job.  

The first 90 days of employment is almost always crucial for new employees and while most employers understand that new hires need time to adjust, they also take note of just how they go about it. There is usually a lot to learn in a new position, from colleagues’ names to company policies, but the things new employees don’t do during those first 90 days can be just as critical as the actions they do take.  Two of the biggest mistakes often made by new employees is failing to adapt to a firm’s corporate culture and not asking enough questions. 

WHW recently launched a new program, “Top Performers,” which matches newly hired clients one-on-one with executive coaches who will help them successfully walk through their first 90 days of employment.  The purpose of the coaching is to increase confidence in adjusting to the new position, troubleshoot any obstacles or issues clients may face in embracing a new company culture and equip them with some of the tools needed to grow and expand in their new role.  One Top Performer participant said, “My coach has been extremely helpful!  He encourages me to think critically, allows me to see things in a different perspective and holds me accountable for doing the things I say I will do!  This has been a great resource for my professional development!”

For more information on WHW’s Top Performer Program, please contact Robyn Williams, WHW Director of Programs at

ACDN Member, WHW, is a non-profit organization which provides the unemployed and underemployed the skills and resources they need to get and keep a good job.  Since 1993, they have served over 70,000 job seekers referred by over 275 partner agencies at no charge.  Each year more than 8,000 job seekers participate in programs focused on equipping them to be the most marketable candidate for the job they seek.  Programs include Employment Readiness Workshops, Computer Training, Job Placement Assistance, Employment Retention Support and Professional Apparel.

WHW has been a member of the Alliance of Career Development Nonprofits (ACDN) since 2004. 

Contributed by Trina Fleming, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, WHW